MCG/WesternGeco MC2D reprocessing in the Philippines for the upcoming PECR4 Round

11 June 2011

The data coverage and quality are appropriate for regional evaluation and prospectivity screening of the offered blocks, thereby enabling interested bidders to formulate a competitive bidding strategy and optimize exploration work programs. The reprocessed data sets are now available giving companies sufficient time to carry out proper evaluation prior to bid submission on 12th March 2012 for PECR4 Areas 10, 11 and 13. The deadline has yet to be formally announced for Area 14.

Angle stacks and gathers, combined with the full stack data set, will enable high-grading of potential targets as preliminary analysis of the data indicates anomalies that could be related to the presence of hydrocarbons.

WG and MCG EP and SS MC2D Reprocessing (PDF)